Campus Sexual Assault

Under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, a college or university must investigate claims of rape and sexual assault made against students and staff, and must take disciplinary action against a responsible person. These disciplinary proceedings are not legal court proceedings, and are separate from any court proceedings, but they can still be complex and difficult to navigate without the assistance of an attorney.

At Honeycutt Everett and Associates, we represent victims of campus sexual assault or harassment throughout all phases of the campus disciplinary process. Each campus has its own Title IX disciplinary process, and we will work with you and your school to ensure that your rights to a full and fair disciplinary proceeding are protected. If you want to try and negotiate a settlement with the responsible person and the school, we can help you through that process as well.

Respondents (the person accused) in campus sexual assault proceedings often hire their own attorneys, making the process feel more formal and intimidating. If you have filed a complaint and do not want to go through the campus hearing process unrepresented, contact Honeycutt Everett and Associates to schedule a consultation.  


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